Sunday 15 November 2015

Best Tips for Creating A Knitter's Workspace

Knitting is the best of hobbies. Just think of all the parts that make up the knitting "whole." We have knitting needles, beautiful, colorful yarns, accessories galore, and too many patterns and books to name! . . before you know it, you can have quite the knitting mess on your hands. So, what to do?

Knitting is the best of hobbies. Just think of all the parts that make up the knitting "whole." We have knitting needles, beautiful, colorful yarns, accessories galore, and too many patterns and books to name!

Whether you are new to knitting or have been creating knit masterpieces for years, all these supplies have a way of building up until, before you know it, you can have quite the knitting mess on your hands.

So, what to do?

As with any hobby that you are passionate about, knitting deserves a place of its own. Your knitting fancy is something that has taken time to create; little by little, yarns are bought, needles find their way into your stash and there is always another knitting magazine or book to buy. If you are like me, you just HAVE to have them!

Suddenly, it will dawn on you, that knitting is a very important piece of your life. And as with all things of importance, it deserves some prominence.

Following are my three best suggestions for crafting your knitting bliss by creating your own knitter's workspace.

First, dedicate an area to your knitting. This can be anything from a cozy corner by the fireplace, to an entire room designed around your knitcrafts. Here is where you will find all your knitting needs. Rather than have boxes and storage vessels here and there all over the house; rearrange, move, file away, or throw out all those things in your house that you've outgrown or really never look at anymore. Just how important is something that you never touch or use again?

So, take a look around and if you come down with anything this year, let it be the re-decorating bug! Once you have created your space it will just make all the difference in how you approach your knitting.

Secondly, decide which items to include. Of course, space will be the factor here; but whether you have 40 inches or 40 feet, there are knitting staples which should always be the tools of your trade.

Include various sized knitting needles, scissors, a tape measure, your favorite stash of yarns, and keep those knitting books and magazines close by. They always offer good ideas and never leave you wondering what to knit next!

If anything, you will have too long a list of projects you want to complete. And don't forget, cable needles, stitch holders and a pen/pencil and notepad for when those inspirations hit you! You want to remember them, so write them down or they will be lost in some vague "memory tank" which, you may or may not recall.

Thirdly, don't forget this most important item of all: YOU. Make time for your knitting. No matter how busy, how torn in twenty different directions you are daily, no matter what, make time for knitting! It doesn't have to be an entire afternoon or evening; most of us only wish we had that kind of time! But, clear the decks, take a good hard look at what you can do, how time can be rearranged and then make the effort.

You will never be sorry. You will knit more, and finish more, and then want to, in the words of a favorite song of mine, "do it all over again."

Life is about finding our bliss. It may not be easy, and the road there will oftentimes be strewn with every distraction in the world. No matter. If you want it, you will have it.

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